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Stem cells promote the formation of new blood vessels, activate growth and reproduction of the cells within each tissue. They inhibit the death of the cell. 


Stem cells regulate inflammation. They increase the potential of the immune system. They help in autoimmune diseases. 



Anyone can receive stem cell transplant . They do not provoke rejection. They do not cause allergic reaction. 


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What are Stem Cells and what do they do?

They are cells with the ability to proliferate and self-renew. Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSC's) are able to signal and generate cells that can differentiate at least in one particular lineage. MSC's are capable or repairing and regenerating Organs, Bones, Tissue, Skin and Hair. They are highly migratory and are attracted to damaged areas. 


Stem cells are the fundamental signaling source that directs the continual unending process involved in human physiology that

repairs, replaces and supports all cellular activity. Immunomodulation, Angiogenesis and the repair of bone and cartilage are guided by the signaling activities of stem cells. It has been clinically demonstrated that Mesenchymal stem cell therapy is

capable of significantly improving quality of life for persons dealing with degenerative conditions, autoimmune disorders, neurological conditions, vascular diseases and many other conditions. Scientists worldwide are now

looking at cell therapy as a preventative supplementation for general wellness. MSCs are multipotent and therefore capable of cellular specialization into many types cells of the body. Mesenchymal cells can give rise to many

different cell types. The most studied are bone, cartilage, muscle, nerves and fat. MSCs differentiate to become numerous cell types.


  • Mesenchymal stem cells also have the ability to:

  • Fight inflammation (found to be the precursor to many conditions)

  • Prevent cell death ( increases longevity)

  • Form new blood vessels ( restores vital circulatory needs)

  • Direct the immune system, using other repair cell types to aid in

  • healing ( defense system)

  • Self-regenerate ( slow, stop and reverse the degenerative process)


Stem Cell Therapy consists in using the renewal ability of Stem Cells to identify the damaged tissue or organ and regenerate it.


  • The benefits of Stem Cell Therapy are many, because they possess the ability to regenerate and renovate,

  • There does not exist the problem of stem cell rejection, as Adult Human Stem Cells do not recognize the rest of the tissues as foreign, For this reason stem cell transplants do not cause rejection.. 

  • These cells, once harvested from donor tissue, are then expanded allowing us to multiply them (cell expansion) to obtain millions and billions of cells. Current research indicates the greatest benefits are possible when combining the quality of youthful donor allogeneic cells, which are then expanded to meet the quantity needed to significantly impact a deficiency.

  • The dose of Adult Stem Cells as found in tissue surrounding a newborn umbilical cord, for example, is applied intravenous, intra arterial, intra thecal or intra lesional. The most common is intravenous (IV), which does not require the patient to be hospitalized. Cell transplants generally take no longer than 30 to 45 minutes, and it includes a liter nutritional cocktail for Wellness. The liquid nutrition contains essential vitamins that are 100% absorbed including glutathione , B vitamins and Vitamin C. The duration of Cell Therapy and the number of applications varies depending on the type of sickness and the progress of the patient undergoing treatment.

  • Stem Cells have a regenerative ability, They can restore the functionality of the tissues and organs. The rate of regeneration and improvement varies according to the severity and type of condition. In some cases, improvement may be more significant. 

  • Our philosophy is to provide extraordinary service and quality care, and as such we do NOT claim to cure. We deliver and supplement your body's own tools and cell tissues, which have healed you throughout your life. Cell Tissue transplants supplement the stem cells and other source material that diminishes with age. We believe that life promotes life. Researchers are observing and documenting  improvements ranging from 30-94%. 

  • Each stem cell transplant procedure is personalized to the specific needs of the patient. The quantity and frequency of cell tissue transplants are dependent upon the individual's age and number of degenerative ailments that they are currently experiencing. Medical record review of progressive and chronic illnesses may require more than one session. If a person has Lyme's disease or multiple other issues, the body directs the arrival of new cells to the area of greatest need via the paracrine system. This is viewed as "too many fires and not enough firemen." As more stem cells are brought on board, the various "fires" can be extinguished. Severe cases may require return visits within a 3-6 month period based on response. 

What are Stem Cells and what do they do?


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